THE GURGLE OF LITTLE FEET A Whimsical Autobiography of One Child

by C. Tom Ross

Paperback / $14.95 / isbn: 978-1-58790-255-0 / 88 pages / 5.5 x 8.5”

e-book / $7.95 / isbn: 978-1-58790-256-7

Autobiography / Poetry


This book of stories is for adults, including parents, children who can read at any level, and any adult who works with children. Adults reading this book will rediscover the beautiful way children perceive the world, which is very new to children. The child’s perception may be quite illogical. Adults reading this book will also re-experience the misunderstandings of children’s actions which may lead to conflict or adult punishment of the child. Hopefully, adults reading this book will find a cathartic release for their suffering at the hands (or voices) of supervising parents or other adults. Children reading this book alone will find validation for their perception and actions. Ideally, adults may read them to children, in a family or school setting. In the events described, all from the child’s viewpoint at the age when it happened, the children will see things that adults miss, and adults will see things the child would miss, giving a rich opportunity for sharing.



Tom Ross was born in 1940 in Wheeling, West Virginia, and grew up in a small community with his two younger sisters. At age 10 he was diagnosed with generalized torsion dystonia, a sometimes painful muscular condition that led to two brain surgeries and later confined him to a wheelchair. During college he served as a preacher in local churches. He went into the Union Theological Seminary after college, and interned in Queens under the Reverend Richard Boeke. Tom taught at Clark College, a historically black college in Georgia. Shortly after Dr. King’s assassination with the belief that white professors should cede leadership and teaching positions at African-American colleges, Tom moved to Berkeley.


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