JESUS AND PETER A Different Account of Christ and His Catholic Church
by Barry Leonardini
Paperback / $19.95 /ISBN: 978-1-58790-567-4 / 246 pages / 5.5" x 8.5" Historical Fiction
Can religious topics be entertaining ? Well Jesus said he was half man and half god. It’s certainly an entertaining place to start. How much of Jesus as depicted in the Bible was accurate? How much was the apostle’s Peter’s creation ? How much were crafty editors who wrote about Jesus four hundred years after his passing with a purpose of establishing their own multilayered religious enterprise?
My feelings on Jesus’s success is tied to his credibility. He had to be approachable. Jesus is somewhat naive and vulnerable. His followers were drawn to that warmth of honesty. But Jesus is also fishing for followers. So there is a calculating methodology. He doesn’t want to be “caught acting” as Spencer Tracy warned. Indeed, he had a high wire act that ended badly. Whether he was or wasn’t the son of god, he did live. That fact has been keeping people entertained for thousand of years.
Barry Leonardini studied classical history and Greek and Latin languages at Saint Ignatius College Preparatory. He also attended University Of San Francisco and studied philosophy. He is retired from trading financial markets.