Recipes For A Good Life
248 pages / 8.5” x 8.5” /
paperback / $24.95 / ISBN 978-1-58790-678-7
hardback / $37.95 / ISBN 978-1-58790-679-4
Expand dietary choices while cultivating your understanding of the power of food to heal. Recipes For A Good Lifereveals nuances in eating habits and food choices to promote wellness and a radiant quality of life.
Imagine enjoying the most delicious food and finding yourself energized, joyful, and filled with a vibrancy for life. Recipes For A Good Life is packed with useful guidelines that can help even the most reluctant take steps to improve their health. Eating healthfully is not about limiting choices, it’s about expanding horizons and changing your relationship to food. Ideas for quick meals and menu plans are included along with vegan and gluten-free recipes. Interviews with producers and informative sidebars acquaint readers with aspects of nutrition often overlooked. The easy-to-prepare recipes compliment the author’s dietary recommendations.
Joaninha’s Recipes For A Good Life is the result of decades of study and hands-on-experience. Joaninha holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Home Economics with a specialty in Foods and Nutrition from California State University, Long Beach. While living in Europe, Latin America, and Asia, she expanded her cooking repertoire to include methods and ingredients that can significantly enhance one’s body, mind, and spirit. Her passion for holistic traditions is evident throughout her book, which confirms what the right foods and eating habits can do for you.
“Joaninha's cookbook is filled with useful, practical tips that can help anyone improve their health and understand the power of food as medicine. In addition to easy-to-follow, great-tasting recipes, she includes additional information about changing your relationship to your food and understanding where it comes from, an area of nutrition that is often neglected. This is a book that I highly recommend.”—Akil Palanisamy, author of The Paleovedic Diet: A Complete Program to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Reverse Disease
Recipes For A Good Life helps each person unfold his or her inner perfect health in daily life. Joaninha has provided simple, practical guidelines for making healthy choices, including strategies to replace anti-nutrient with nutritious food. In this book, you can learn about what is compatible to your health and integrate these directions for better health.. — Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, Ayurvedic Physician; Author of Ayurveda: Science of Self-Healing, Textbook of Ayurveda series and more
There is always room, in my library, for a great book which offers additional information on how to foster good health through eating, and Joaninha's book, Recipes For A Good Life, is a welcome addition. She offers easy to digest information as well as clear recipes for our kitchens. Read this book, cover to cover, use it as a reference, and keep it in your kitchen for those times when you are ready to try something new. — Richard Louis Miller, M.A., Ph.D., Wilbur Hot Springs owner, director