UP AGAINST THE CLOCK How You Can Double Your Time? A Manager’s Guide For ThoseWho Don’t Have Time To ReadTime Management Books

by Ronald C. Mendlin 

perback / $19.95 / ISBN-13: 978-1-58790-153-9 / 184 pages /  5.5” x 8.5” 

Business / Management / Motivation


Up Against The Clock covers the essential gamut of time management wisdom, and provides useful information about attitude and self-evaluation, organizing a clear and streamlined workspace, running effective meetings, getting the best out of employees, and generally “greasing the wheels” of an optimally efficient work environment. The book’s purpose is to effectively double your time efficiency with tested and proven time-saving methods that apply to a variety of day-to-day situations. If the ideas presented in this book are practiced diligently, they will lead to success both on and off the job. Up Against The Clock  can be used as a handy reference manual or a primer to be read straight through. It is also a workbook, with written exercises to be filled in and completed.



Ronald C. Mendlin has over 40 years experience in 14 different business fields. He has reorganized sections of several San Francisco City Departments, including the Board of Education, the Tax Collector’s Office, the Department of Public Health and the S.F. Airport Commission. He has also saved the S.F. Municipal Railway from financial embarrassment. In his 30 years with the City and County of San Francisco, Ronald Mendlin was the recipient of numerous written commendations from mayors and various government administrators for leadership of projects and superior job performance. Working on a part-time basis at the Northern California Service League, he was credited by the California Department of Corrections’ Jobs Plus Program for assisting over 750 ex-felons in getting jobs. He is also the co-author of the Putting The Bars Behind You Series which, in a five-year period, has sold over 40,000 copies throughout the U.S.




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